Monday, December 1, 2014

Ginger Baker & Jonas Hellborg Group - Budapest, Globe (1992)

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Ginger Baker and Jonas Hellborg played together for the first time in 1985 in the legendary album Public Image Ltd. Various tours and albums ensued, as the Middle Passage and Invisible Rain. Many prominent musicians have collaborated with the duo through the years, Bill Laswell, Bernie Worell, Jens Johansson, to name a few. As a rare opportunity, Ginger Baker has vowed to make this journey to give the European public the opportunity to test their focus remains unmatched for playing drum kit, while a great influence on all the generations that came after him, I never fully emulated by any other drummer.
Ginger Baker's jazz drummer whose head was turned away by the legendary drummer Phil Seamen presenting to African drums. Taking this unique fusion as rhythmic spine bands like Cream and Blind Faith forming, he elevated the art of percussion in popular music. The Jonas Hellborg Group with Ginger Baker is based on this approach Afrocentric musically rhythmic, immobilized by the master drummer Abas Dodoo and made complete by one of the most spectacular guitarists on the planet, Regi Wooten.

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