Saturday, December 13, 2014

All-star 'Coast To Coast' Jam (1990)

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BB King, Andy Summers, Bruce Hornsby, Herbie Hancock, Michael Bolton, Lou Reed, Sting and Rickie Lee Jones join King, Bonnie Raitt and Baxter are the biggest names in the presentation in China Club - Hollywood on February 22, 1990.

Fewer people known as ex-Police guitarist Andy Summers and saxophonist Bill Evans make the best music, solos and in support of the biggest stars such as Sting, with its low, and King BB King with his guitar Lucille .and a singer named Vinx can have the best series of all with a jazz song, accompanied by winds and African drums, called "Tell My Feet". Sting announces pompously Vinx discovered a few nights before in a small club in Santa Monica

The show concludes with musicians who share the stage with celebrities including Julian Lennon, Michael Keaton, Woody Harrelson and Michael J. Fox.

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